Sunday, May 31, 2009
Concept Car : Saab Aero-X
Friday, May 29, 2009
O carro mais bonito do mundo

A Mercedes ainda venceu com o melhor Coupé e Cabriolet, com o Classe E Coupé.
O chefe da divisão de Design da Mercedes Gorden Wagener, afirmou que o design do novo Classe E ”reflecte status, qualidade, tecnologia e prazer de condução”.
E você o que acha? Bom, eu gostei, mas para mim não é o mais bonito do mundo. Mas enfim gosto é gosto.
Clique nas fotos para ampliar

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Audi Q5 no Brasil
O mais novo carro da Audi chega ao Brasil. O Audi Q5 tem o valor inicial de R$ 205 84
0 na versão Attraction com motor 2.0 TFSI de 211 cv no modelo com motor 3.2 V6 de 265 cv o valor é de R$ 263 300.
A Audi quer abocanhar 40% do mercado brasileiro, para este tipo de veiculo, para isso colocara a venda de 400 a 500 unidades. Os Seus adversários são BMW X3 e Mercedes-Benz GLK.
Todas as versões vem com cambio S-Tronic de sete marchas com embreagem dupla, freios ABS e distribuição eletrônica de frenagem, Controle de tração, controle de estabilidade, sistema de auxilio em descidas, farol de Xenon Plus e 12 leds e tração integral e permanente Quattro.

A Audi quer abocanhar 40% do mercado brasileiro, para este tipo de veiculo, para isso colocara a venda de 400 a 500 unidades. Os Seus adversários são BMW X3 e Mercedes-Benz GLK.
Todas as versões vem com cambio S-Tronic de sete marchas com embreagem dupla, freios ABS e distribuição eletrônica de frenagem, Controle de tração, controle de estabilidade, sistema de auxilio em descidas, farol de Xenon Plus e 12 leds e tração integral e permanente Quattro.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Carros Rebaixados

Há algum tempo atrás, mesmo proibido, era comum muita gente chegar nas oficinas e dizer: “Cortas as molas e só deixa tantos dedos do pára-lamas” ou até mesmo para os mais exagerados “tira as molas”.
Bom hoje em dia isso continua acontecendo, mas não precisa mais ser um “fora de lei”, hoje existe uma lei que regulariza a modificação na suspensão, que é a Resolução 262 do Contran (Conselho Nacional de Trânsito).
Mais ainda existem alguns “poréns”, bom obviamente inda não pode cortar as molas e muito menos retirá-las as reguláveis também não podem. O que pode são molas e suspensão regulamentadas pelo Inmetro as famosas molas esportivas.
O que a legislação define é que: Antes de realizar qualquer modificação é necessário solicitar autorização prévia do órgão de trânsito competente. E todas as modificações deverão constar no Certificado de Registro de Veículo (CRV) e no Certificado de Registro e Licenciamento de Veículos (CRLV).
Muitas vezes será necessário apresentar o Certificado de Segurança Veicular (CSV), o CSV é expedido pelo Inmetro.

Citroën C5 no Brasil
A Citroën iniciol no Brasil a venda do novo C5. Ele começou a ser comercializado em 2008
na Europa.
Ele chaga por R$ 103.500,00 na versão sedã e R$ 112.500,00 na versão Perua (o modelo é produzido na França e Importado para o Brasil). As duas versões vem com o motor 2.0 com potencia de 143 cv e torque de 20,4 mkgf e cambiou automático de 4 marchas.
Dentre muitos equipamentos os que chamam mais atenção são os seguintes: freio de estacionamento elétrico automático, nove airbags, faróis de xenônio auto-direcionais, freios ABS, controle eletrônico de estabilidade (ESP) e suspensão Hydractive 3 Plus que que permite regular o funcionamento do conjunto e escolher entre os modos "soft", para conforto, ou "sport", mais rígido.

Ele chaga por R$ 103.500,00 na versão sedã e R$ 112.500,00 na versão Perua (o modelo é produzido na França e Importado para o Brasil). As duas versões vem com o motor 2.0 com potencia de 143 cv e torque de 20,4 mkgf e cambiou automático de 4 marchas.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Chevrolet Prisma 2010

O Chevrolet Prisma virá com novo motor 1.4 Econo.Flex e o 1.0 VHCE. Também virá acelerador eletrônico “drive-by-wire”, coletor de admissão de plástico e novo módulo de controle eletrônico (ECM)
O Prisma 1.4 quando abastecido somente com álcool, alcança a velocidade máxima de 182 km/h, com a aceleração de 0 a 100 km/h em 10s9. Já quando se utiliza a gasolina a velocidade máxima fica em 178 km/h, com a aceleração de 0 a 100 km/h em 11s4. Na versão 1.0 Flexpower VHCE, desenvolve 78 cavalos com 9,7 kgf.m, quando abastecido com álcool, e 77 cavalos com 9,4 kgf.m, com gasolina. No desempenho, o sedan alcança velocidade máxima de 164 km/h (álcool) e 162 km/h (gasolina), e acelera de 0 a 100 km/h em 14,3 segundos (álcool) e 14,8 segundos (gasolina).
O Prisma 1.0 parte de R$ 27 686 na versão Joy e o Prisma 1.4 começa em R$ 30 741 também na mesma versão de acabamento.
Vídeo Audi Q5 Custom Concept
Audi Q5 Custom Concept preparado para o Worthersee Tour tem seu primeiro vídeo oficial divulgado.
Confira o vídeo abaixo:
Monday, May 25, 2009
Troca de Anéis - 9ª Parte
Se você ainda não leu a 1ª parte, 2ª parte, 3ª parte, 4ª parte, 5ª parte, 6ª parte, 7ª parte e 8ª parte de Troca de Anéis, pode ser que fique em duvidas no texto seguinte.
Exame dos pinos de pistão
Além dos pistões em si, também os pinos podem sofrer desgaste.
Por isso verifique, e sempre , se os pinos de pistão não estão frouxos e substitua-os se for necessário. Muitos pinos de pistão são instalados sob pressão na extremidade superior da biela sendo necessárias ferramentas especiais para pôr e tirar esses pinos. Consulte o manual de serviço do motor antes de tentar retirar o pino do pistão. Isto poupará tempo e possíveis danos ao pistão se os pinos forem do tipo colocado sob pressão.
Exame das bielas
Um outro ponto importantíssimo a ser observado, e que muitas vezes é deixado de lado, é a verificação do estado das bielas.
Se uma biela estiver empenada, ela vai fazer com que o pistão fique desalinhado dentro do cilindro, provocando um contato irregular dos anéis com a parede do cilindro.

Uma biela empenada faz com que o pistão fique desalinhado dentro do cilindro.
Quando isso ocorre em um lado do pistão , o canto superior dos anéis é que vai fazer contato com a parede do cilindro, enquanto que, no lado oposto, somente o canto inferior é que vai fazer este contato.

O canto superior do anel, em contato com a parede do cilindro aumenta o consumo de óleo.
Esse contato incorreto dos anéis provoca um aumento no consumo de óleo e desgaste irregular dos anéis.
Além disso, como todo o conjunto pistão-biela trabalha desalinhado e portanto, forçado, outras partes também apresentarão desgaste irregular, estando entre elas as bronzinas e bielas.
Como pode-se observar na figura abaixo devido ao empenamento das bielas, as bronzinas tenderão a se desgastar mais em pontos opostos o que, sem dúvida, reduzirá sensivelmente sua vida útil.

Bronzinas desgastadas em regiões opostas.
Para se descobrir se uma biela está empenada existem aparelhos apropriados que permitem determinar-se, exatamente, quanto é e onde está localizado o desalinhamento.

Verificação do alinhamento das bielas.
No entanto, uma pré-determinação pode ser feita através da observação dos locais de desgaste do pistão.
Se o pistão estiver mais gasto, de um lado, na parte superior (região dos anéis) e no lado oposto, o maior desgaste for na parte inferior da saia, isto indicará que a biela está empenada.
Um desgaste em diagonal, conforme indicado na figura abaixo, também é indicio de empenamento da biela.

O desgaste do pistão em diagonal é indicio de empenamento da biela.
Exame dos pinos de pistão
Além dos pistões em si, também os pinos podem sofrer desgaste.
Por isso verifique, e sempre , se os pinos de pistão não estão frouxos e substitua-os se for necessário. Muitos pinos de pistão são instalados sob pressão na extremidade superior da biela sendo necessárias ferramentas especiais para pôr e tirar esses pinos. Consulte o manual de serviço do motor antes de tentar retirar o pino do pistão. Isto poupará tempo e possíveis danos ao pistão se os pinos forem do tipo colocado sob pressão.
Exame das bielas
Um outro ponto importantíssimo a ser observado, e que muitas vezes é deixado de lado, é a verificação do estado das bielas.
Se uma biela estiver empenada, ela vai fazer com que o pistão fique desalinhado dentro do cilindro, provocando um contato irregular dos anéis com a parede do cilindro.

Uma biela empenada faz com que o pistão fique desalinhado dentro do cilindro.
Quando isso ocorre em um lado do pistão , o canto superior dos anéis é que vai fazer contato com a parede do cilindro, enquanto que, no lado oposto, somente o canto inferior é que vai fazer este contato.

O canto superior do anel, em contato com a parede do cilindro aumenta o consumo de óleo.
Esse contato incorreto dos anéis provoca um aumento no consumo de óleo e desgaste irregular dos anéis.
Além disso, como todo o conjunto pistão-biela trabalha desalinhado e portanto, forçado, outras partes também apresentarão desgaste irregular, estando entre elas as bronzinas e bielas.
Como pode-se observar na figura abaixo devido ao empenamento das bielas, as bronzinas tenderão a se desgastar mais em pontos opostos o que, sem dúvida, reduzirá sensivelmente sua vida útil.

Bronzinas desgastadas em regiões opostas.
Para se descobrir se uma biela está empenada existem aparelhos apropriados que permitem determinar-se, exatamente, quanto é e onde está localizado o desalinhamento.

Verificação do alinhamento das bielas.
No entanto, uma pré-determinação pode ser feita através da observação dos locais de desgaste do pistão.
Se o pistão estiver mais gasto, de um lado, na parte superior (região dos anéis) e no lado oposto, o maior desgaste for na parte inferior da saia, isto indicará que a biela está empenada.
Um desgaste em diagonal, conforme indicado na figura abaixo, também é indicio de empenamento da biela.

O desgaste do pistão em diagonal é indicio de empenamento da biela.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Fox Sunrise

A nova versão adiciona ao veículo rack e antena no teto, lanternas escurecidas, spoiler, aplique na placa, refletores no para-choque traseiro, adesivos pretos nas colunas centrais, rodas de liga leve de 14 polegadas com pneus de uso misto, estribos laterais, faróis com máscara negra, molduras nos para-lamas e adesivos alusivos à versão aplicados nas colunas traseiras e na carcaça dos retrovisores. Na parte interna, nova forração em couro e tecido, detalhes nas maçanetas e painel pintados de branco completam o visual. O modelo está disponível apenas com o motor de 1,0 litro de 72 cv, nas cores branco Cristal, prata Sargas e amarelo Ímola.
Internamente, o Sunrise possui revestimento dos bancos em couro e tecido com uma inscrição alusiva à série, enquanto que as maçanetas e a régua do console central são pintadas em branco. A lista de opcionais inclui itens como ar-condicionado, freios com sistema anti-travamento (ABS), vidros e travas elétricas e coluna de direção com ajuste de altura e profundidade.
De acordo com a VW, o modelo será vendido em diversas opções de cores, como Branco Cristal e o Amarelo Imola. O Fox Sunrise poderá ser comprado por 32.785 reais.
BMW Série 5 GT

A BMW informou que o Série 5 GT é baseado na plataforma da próxima geração dos outros modelos da Série 5 . O GT mede 4,998 mm de comprimento, 1,901 mm de largura, 1,559 mm de altura e 3,070 mm de distância entre eixos.
Com comercialização mercada para o final do ano, o Série 5 GT Será proposto com dois motores a gasolina, os já conhecidos 3.0 de 306 cv (535i GT) e o V8 de 4.4 litros (550i GT) com 408 cv, e um turbodiesel de 3 litros de cilindrada com 235 cavalos de potência (530d GT).
O Série 5 Gran Turismo (GT), que será apresentado oficialmente no salão de Frankfurt, em setembro.
Clique para ampliar

Subaru Legacy 2009 New Car Pictures
Subaru Legacy 2009 New Car Pictures
Vehicle layout | Front engine, AWD, 5-pass, 4-door sedan |
Engine | 2.5L/170-hp/170-lb-ft DOHC 16-valve flat-4; 2.5L/243-hp/241-lb-ft DOHC 16-valve flat-4; 3.0L/245-hp/215-lb-ft DOHC 24-valve H-6 |
Transmission | 5-speed manual; 4-speed automatic; 5-speed automatic |
Curb weight (dist f/r) | 3270-3545 lbs (mfr) |
Wheelbase | 105.1 in |
Length x width x height | 185.0 x 68.1 x 56.1-56.5 in |
Headroom, f/r | 37.6//36.5 in |
Legroom, f/r | 44.1/33.9 in |
Shoulder room, f/r | 54.2/53.7 in |
Cargo volume | 11.4 cu.ft |
EPA City/Hwy Econ | 17-20/24-27 mpg |
CO2 Emissions | 0.86-0.99 lb/mile |
Porsche 911 2009 Car Photos
Porsche 911 2009 best pictures
2009 Porsche 911 4 color photos
Porsche 911 2009 Car Photos
2009 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe Performance & Efficiency Standard Features:
- 3,596 cc 3.6 liters horizontal 6 rear engine with 96.0 mm bore, 82.8 mm stroke, 11.3 compression ratio, double overhead cam, variable valve timing/camshaft and four valves per cylinder
- Premium unleaded fuel 91
- Gasoline direct injection fuel system
- 16.9 gallon main premium unleaded fuel tank 14.1
- Power: 257 kW , 345 HP SAE and 288 ft lb , 390 Nm
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Concept Car : BMW Mille Miglia
Concept Car : Scion to unveil a micro-subcompact in New York
Scion has revealed that it will be presenting a micro-subcompact concept car at the upcoming New York Auto Show. The auto brand did not reveal anything else, other than the concept reflects Scion’s youthful image and represents a new segment for the brand aimed toward the growing urbanization trend.
But we are 99.9% sure that Scion is actually talking about a re-badged version of the Toyota iQ micro car for the U.S market. If this is the case, which I am sure it is, expect Scion to fit the new 1.33 liter engine with a dual VVT-i system that is capable of 99HP into the engine bay. The engine can be mated to either a 6 speed manual or a CVT transmission while fuel consumption figure with the manual tranny is rated at 58.9 miles to the gallon, and 55.4 miles to the gallon with the CVT.
Concept Car : Renault ONDELIOS
PARIS - September 10, 2008: The Paris Motor Show sees the wraps come off Renault's top-of-the-range concept car Ondelios designed for lovers of long-haul travel who set store by comfort and refinement. Ondelios epitomizes Renault’s vision of the high-end crossover, combining a comfortable ride with respect for the environment. Clear illustrations of that vision are the vehicle’s ethereal design, its interior layout, and an original hybrid powertrain.
A sleek design that answers the call of the open road
The 4.8-metre-long, 1.6-metre high Ondelios has drawn inspiration from the world of aviation design to deliver high drag efficiency and a Cd of just 0.29. This long-distance voyager boasts sleek, smooth, amazingly fluid lines that make it appear as though it glides over the ground. It embodies Renault’s vision of high-end car.
"Ondelios is inspired by motion rather than speed and is a whole new response to the call of the open road," enthuses Patrick Le Quément, Renault’s Design Director.Click PLAY to watch the promo video
The aluminium-finish grille is flanked by headlamp units that also suggest flowing motion, while its high-performance LED headlights are both longer lasting and more efficient. Another feature of Ondelios' aerodynamic styling is the boomerang-shaped tail lights. They are built into the bodywork and ringed with air extractors to control the flow of air from the wheel arches.
The glazed roof further emphasises the vehicle’s airy look and feel, bathing the interior in natural light. The steeply raked windscreen, which extends well down the bonnet, further accentuates this ethereal feel.
"We think of it as made from a single material, where the body and glazed areas merge into one. Ondelios is a glimpse of what the automobile might be in the medium term future," adds Patrick Le Quément.
The butterfly-type side doors, which also feature an extensive glazed area, add a further touch of elegance to the car’s overall styling. They swing out and upwards as the sills slide down to facilitate ingress.
The dark blue anthracite of the bodywork blends perfectly with the tinted glazed area, making the car look as if it were all of a piece and a single colour. The tailgate’s upper section rounds off the sleek, aerodynamic lines with a profiled glareshield that slides inwards to air and cool the cabin.
Ondelios sits on seven-spoke, 23-inch aluminium alloy wheels which contribute to its profiled styling. The propeller-like hubs draw airflow from the sides of the car to prevent turbulence. They operate in conjunction with the rim-side brake discs to ensure they suck in air effectively.
The sleek sidewalls of the large diameter 255/40 Michelin Pilot Sport tyres deliver outstanding drag performance. Their tread pattern is designed to minimise deformation of the contact patch while on the move to help curb rolling resistance.
The tread has efficient, active flow channels which, together with the wide circumferential groove that helps clear water, strengthen the image of a high-end, high-tech tyre.
Business-class comfort for a long-haul journey
The elegance of the Ondelios interior is in harmony with the call of the open road suggested by its exterior. To begin with, its layout is designed to profit from all the available space. There are three rows of seats that offer individual seating for six. With their cantilever mounts they give the impression of floating, while their kinematics are redolent of airplane seats. The electrically adjustable backs fold into comfortable, business-class positions, while occupants can deploy and retract their footrests at will. Although their slim lines speak of lightness, they are designed, like giant leaves, to hug their occupants who can curl up in them to enjoy the comfort and support they afford. The height of the seats is carefully designed to ensure occupants are perfectly at ease when they talk to each other.
Unlike conventional door opening systems, the doors are hinged to the roof, which makes getting into the car extremely easy. The second row of seats slide forward and folds down to facilitate access to the third row.
In addition to seating comfort, the cabin exudes a highly refined ambience. The materials used are drawn from contemporary interior design and give the impression of sitting in a lounge on wheels. They blend soft, supple textures like light grey leather and fabric, as seen on the dashboard, seats and door panels. The colour of the seatbacks blends gradually from ochre to purple, further enhancing the sense of security and comfort.
Interior features and fittings are both modern and intuitive. The ergonomically designed controls, in keeping with Renault’s touch design approach, afford users efficient, comfortable ease of use.
The ample, flowing yet sober design of the broad dashboard echoes the car’s aerodynamic exterior. It is further highlighted by a roomy, suspended stowage compartment which is protected by a lit shell, while all the dashboard’s functional components are particularly userfriendly:
- active display skins show driver aid and ride information; - a monitor at the base of the windscreen displays the different menus and pictures from the door mirror cameras; - three large strip displays provide driving-related information, revs and how the hybridized drivetrain is operating; - a digital speedometer.
The technologies with which Ondelios is equipped enhance the collective and individual wellbeing of all occupants. All the passengers, including those in the back row, have their own Samsung interactive portable multimedia devices which they can use for sharing data or multiplayer gaming. Speakers are also incorporated into the headrests and a multizone HVAC system enables each passenger to set the temperature to his or her own liking.
The smart technologies that have gone into designing Ondelios help drivers to settle in at the wheel, include a Samsung cell phone which also acts as a hands-free door lock recognises the driver and loads all his or her personal settings, e.g. seat-adjustment settings and favourite music. The vehicle adds a final, friendly touch in the form of the back-lit logo which lights up to show that it has recognised the driver.
An environmentally friendly voyagerTo complement the extensive work that has gone into Ondelios’s aerodynamics, some of the car’s structural parts are made from natural flax fibre for greater recyclability. In keeping with the commitment to make the car as light as possible, its body is made from carbon and the glazed areas from polycarbonate.
Ondelios is powered by a hybrid powerplant which combines a more powerful 205hp (150kW) version of the 2.0 dCi engine, with two 20kW electric motors at the front and rear. They operate in mild hybrid mode, giving the engine extra boost as required. They use a brake and boost system, recovering energy during braking then delivering it to the engine to boost acceleration. The front motor also uses fuel-saving stop-start technology.
The electric motor mounted on the rear axle drives the rear wheels when the ESP sensors detect a loss of traction, thus giving Ondelios the capability of a 4WD vehicle. The car is equipped with a lithium-ion battery that can deliver power of up to 4kW/h.
With torque of 450Nm between 1,700 and 3800rpm, the diesel engine provides comfort and flexibility at all engine speeds for long-distance driving pleasure. The 2.0 dCi unit takes Ondelios from a standing start to 100kph in just 7.8 seconds. Driving through a seven-speed, double-clutch gearbox, it affords outstanding driving pleasure, while keeping fuel consumption at a frugal 4.5 litres/100km and CO2 emissions at a lowly 120g/km – very impressive for a topof- the-range vehicle.
Similarly, the body, chassis design and hybrid powertrain contribute decisively to protecting the environment.
Ondelios is a long-distance travel-loving aerodynamic crossover born for the open road. It is proof that caring for occupants and the environment is entirely compatible. Ondelios is a concept car that illustrates Renault’s vision of the high-end car of the near future.
PARIS - September 10, 2008: The Paris Motor Show sees the wraps come off Renault's top-of-the-range concept car Ondelios designed for lovers of long-haul travel who set store by comfort and refinement. Ondelios epitomizes Renault’s vision of the high-end crossover, combining a comfortable ride with respect for the environment. Clear illustrations of that vision are the vehicle’s ethereal design, its interior layout, and an original hybrid powertrain.
A sleek design that answers the call of the open road
The 4.8-metre-long, 1.6-metre high Ondelios has drawn inspiration from the world of aviation design to deliver high drag efficiency and a Cd of just 0.29. This long-distance voyager boasts sleek, smooth, amazingly fluid lines that make it appear as though it glides over the ground. It embodies Renault’s vision of high-end car.
"Ondelios is inspired by motion rather than speed and is a whole new response to the call of the open road," enthuses Patrick Le Quément, Renault’s Design Director.Click PLAY to watch the promo video
The aluminium-finish grille is flanked by headlamp units that also suggest flowing motion, while its high-performance LED headlights are both longer lasting and more efficient. Another feature of Ondelios' aerodynamic styling is the boomerang-shaped tail lights. They are built into the bodywork and ringed with air extractors to control the flow of air from the wheel arches.
The glazed roof further emphasises the vehicle’s airy look and feel, bathing the interior in natural light. The steeply raked windscreen, which extends well down the bonnet, further accentuates this ethereal feel.
"We think of it as made from a single material, where the body and glazed areas merge into one. Ondelios is a glimpse of what the automobile might be in the medium term future," adds Patrick Le Quément.
The butterfly-type side doors, which also feature an extensive glazed area, add a further touch of elegance to the car’s overall styling. They swing out and upwards as the sills slide down to facilitate ingress.
The dark blue anthracite of the bodywork blends perfectly with the tinted glazed area, making the car look as if it were all of a piece and a single colour. The tailgate’s upper section rounds off the sleek, aerodynamic lines with a profiled glareshield that slides inwards to air and cool the cabin.
Ondelios sits on seven-spoke, 23-inch aluminium alloy wheels which contribute to its profiled styling. The propeller-like hubs draw airflow from the sides of the car to prevent turbulence. They operate in conjunction with the rim-side brake discs to ensure they suck in air effectively.
The sleek sidewalls of the large diameter 255/40 Michelin Pilot Sport tyres deliver outstanding drag performance. Their tread pattern is designed to minimise deformation of the contact patch while on the move to help curb rolling resistance.
The tread has efficient, active flow channels which, together with the wide circumferential groove that helps clear water, strengthen the image of a high-end, high-tech tyre.
Business-class comfort for a long-haul journey
The elegance of the Ondelios interior is in harmony with the call of the open road suggested by its exterior. To begin with, its layout is designed to profit from all the available space. There are three rows of seats that offer individual seating for six. With their cantilever mounts they give the impression of floating, while their kinematics are redolent of airplane seats. The electrically adjustable backs fold into comfortable, business-class positions, while occupants can deploy and retract their footrests at will. Although their slim lines speak of lightness, they are designed, like giant leaves, to hug their occupants who can curl up in them to enjoy the comfort and support they afford. The height of the seats is carefully designed to ensure occupants are perfectly at ease when they talk to each other.
Unlike conventional door opening systems, the doors are hinged to the roof, which makes getting into the car extremely easy. The second row of seats slide forward and folds down to facilitate access to the third row.
In addition to seating comfort, the cabin exudes a highly refined ambience. The materials used are drawn from contemporary interior design and give the impression of sitting in a lounge on wheels. They blend soft, supple textures like light grey leather and fabric, as seen on the dashboard, seats and door panels. The colour of the seatbacks blends gradually from ochre to purple, further enhancing the sense of security and comfort.
Interior features and fittings are both modern and intuitive. The ergonomically designed controls, in keeping with Renault’s touch design approach, afford users efficient, comfortable ease of use.
The ample, flowing yet sober design of the broad dashboard echoes the car’s aerodynamic exterior. It is further highlighted by a roomy, suspended stowage compartment which is protected by a lit shell, while all the dashboard’s functional components are particularly userfriendly:
- active display skins show driver aid and ride information; - a monitor at the base of the windscreen displays the different menus and pictures from the door mirror cameras; - three large strip displays provide driving-related information, revs and how the hybridized drivetrain is operating; - a digital speedometer.
The technologies with which Ondelios is equipped enhance the collective and individual wellbeing of all occupants. All the passengers, including those in the back row, have their own Samsung interactive portable multimedia devices which they can use for sharing data or multiplayer gaming. Speakers are also incorporated into the headrests and a multizone HVAC system enables each passenger to set the temperature to his or her own liking.
The smart technologies that have gone into designing Ondelios help drivers to settle in at the wheel, include a Samsung cell phone which also acts as a hands-free door lock recognises the driver and loads all his or her personal settings, e.g. seat-adjustment settings and favourite music. The vehicle adds a final, friendly touch in the form of the back-lit logo which lights up to show that it has recognised the driver.
An environmentally friendly voyagerTo complement the extensive work that has gone into Ondelios’s aerodynamics, some of the car’s structural parts are made from natural flax fibre for greater recyclability. In keeping with the commitment to make the car as light as possible, its body is made from carbon and the glazed areas from polycarbonate.
Ondelios is powered by a hybrid powerplant which combines a more powerful 205hp (150kW) version of the 2.0 dCi engine, with two 20kW electric motors at the front and rear. They operate in mild hybrid mode, giving the engine extra boost as required. They use a brake and boost system, recovering energy during braking then delivering it to the engine to boost acceleration. The front motor also uses fuel-saving stop-start technology.
The electric motor mounted on the rear axle drives the rear wheels when the ESP sensors detect a loss of traction, thus giving Ondelios the capability of a 4WD vehicle. The car is equipped with a lithium-ion battery that can deliver power of up to 4kW/h.
With torque of 450Nm between 1,700 and 3800rpm, the diesel engine provides comfort and flexibility at all engine speeds for long-distance driving pleasure. The 2.0 dCi unit takes Ondelios from a standing start to 100kph in just 7.8 seconds. Driving through a seven-speed, double-clutch gearbox, it affords outstanding driving pleasure, while keeping fuel consumption at a frugal 4.5 litres/100km and CO2 emissions at a lowly 120g/km – very impressive for a topof- the-range vehicle.
Similarly, the body, chassis design and hybrid powertrain contribute decisively to protecting the environment.
Ondelios is a long-distance travel-loving aerodynamic crossover born for the open road. It is proof that caring for occupants and the environment is entirely compatible. Ondelios is a concept car that illustrates Renault’s vision of the high-end car of the near future.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Audi Q5 Custom Concept

Além das mudanças no visual, ele vem com o motor mais vitaminado, um V6 3.0 TFSI com 408 cavalos indo de 0 a 100 km/h em 4,4 segundos e tendo a velocidade máxima de 250 km/h controlado eletronicamente.
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